Friday, June 11, 2010

And I thought I could do it.

Fast and restriction was failed today. BUT! I finally got a chance to weigh myself and guess what?

I lost 7 pounds!
I'm 130lbs at the moment and I'm pretty damn proud of that. I actually didn't believe it at first. I thought the scale might be broken. Nope :) I'm actually 7lbs lighter and it feels great!

But I'm not going to post my intake today because I honestly don't even know what exactly I ate today. That's pretty ridiculous. But I don't even care right now. I lost weight! Now maybe since I saw the numbers drop, I'll find my strength again. I know I can do it, it's just a matter of me actually doing it.

Anyways, I'll restrict to like 400 cals. tomorrow.
Actually, I think I'm going to start the ABCD diet instead. It's a lot stricter and maybe it'll put me in check. And get me into a habbit.

Tomorrow I'll be at the bestfriend's, so hopefully it will be easy to avoid food. We're supposed to smoke Hookah. I've done it before, so whatever, I just hope it doesn't turn into drinking. That could go downhill fast.

OH! Do you like my new layout and what not? I was playing with the new designer and decided to spice up my blog. hah.
But anyways, I hope everyone has a fabulous day tomorrow!
Stay strong, babydolls!



alice-k said...

aww cool, good job losing 7 hun! keep it up!
and yes, love the layout! and that 2nd picture of taylor momsen =) pretty

apurebreath said...

I love the background!
congrats on your loss :)

rebecca said...

Love thuh bakkground ... totally awesome just like u:) congratz on thuh loss ... u must b soooooo proud:)