Saturday, June 26, 2010

california, here i come.

So to add on to the no-posting, I'm going to California bright and early tomorrow morning. I'll be there for about a week, maybe more. Let's hope not more. It'll be easy not eating there though because I have real life reverse thinspo. (my cousin is quite a cow) And my grandmother has a pool and I need to look fabulous in a bikini. Not for my grandmother, of course, but for me. I realized that I don't want to look good to impress anyone, or prove anything to anyone. Or to even look good for anyone. I want to look good standing in front of the mirror. In front of myself. I want to feel confident every single time I walk out the door. Every time I see a reflection. I don't want confidence only sometimes, but every single day. And I need to prove to myself that I can do it. I don't care what others think. Well, that's a lie, but I care more about what I think.

Anyways, I got way off topic. I'm going away for a week or more and I won't be able to post at all :( I'm very sad to say goodbye to the blog and to all you beatiful people, but I have to.
This time away should do me some good and I'll come back stronger than ever.
Don't go anywhere, babydolls<3
Stay strong while I'm gone. I'll reply to any emails before I leave and maybe while I'm there. If I'm lucky, I'll get in a post or two over the week, but there are no garuntees. I love you!


1 comment:

M said...

OH! by the way! I'm not pregnant! :D

sorry I posted that in a comment. I'm too lazy to edit the post :)
