Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hey guys

Still no test results :( I need money!! I saw a pregnancy test yesterday for $40! Ugh. And on top of that, I've been with my boyfriend like all day everyday. Which isn't too bad, but a girl needs to restrict once in a while! We went out for dinner last night and it was some fancy shmancy place. And it was free. So I couldn't just be like, no thanks. And there was three courses! What has the world come too? A fatass, that's what. But I'm fasting as best as I can today. But I can't make this post too long. I'm in my boyfriends bathroom with his phone. And he might get suspicious and wake up. But wish me luck girlies. I need it more than you know.



alice-k said...

ive never been to a fancy restaurant, and thank fuck for that! i cant imagine making myself eat it.
good luck fasting, stay strong love! <3

ps- how did you post with your phone? everytime i try it breaks it up so my one post is divided into 3! it would really be awesome if i could get that to work cuz i miss posting everyday!

M said...

Oh, well it was on an iphone. i was using the internet