Thursday, June 10, 2010


Well, day at boyfriends SUCKED ASS. I'm so disappointed in myself. WHY the hell do I say "I'm hungry." ???? That's just like saying FUCK YOU, body, I'm gonna do what I want! uhh. yeah, thanks. Now I've screwed us both over.

At least I got like an hour of cardio by walking there. Probably didn't burn enough calories. UGGH. I'm an idiot. FUCKING RETARDED. blaaah.

Hopefully, I'm not doing anything tomorrow, so I can just sit in my room all damn day. And I seriously don't understand why I eat, it makes me feel sooo horrible.
bleh. whatever.

2 small pieces of french bread
1 cookie
1 macaroni cup
1 bowl of steamed rice w/ soy sauce
Tater tots

I don't even want to know the calories in all of that...



alice-k said...

awww :( those words are baaad. they always slip out and before you can take them back your stuck with a pile of grease topped with oil and jiggly fat O.o

forget it and stay strong the next day =) ...its always easier said than done though isnt it :P itll be ok =)

Elle said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel. FUCK FOOD. fuck my fucking craving for fucking food.

I saw you found my blog :) Yours is great too! AND i see that you're vegetarian. I'm considering it. Any words of wisdom??

