Thursday, June 3, 2010

okay. well some of my posts have been deleted. it's because my boyfriend found my blogger app and deleted all the posts saved on there. sooo I have to do a better job at hiding this. no more app. which is fine because this is much easier. but to sum all of my deleted posts together:
I started a juice/water fast with maybe one meal a day. it's been going good for three days, except last night. (when my boyfriend found the posts, he made me eat again.) but I think it won't ruin everything. but I've been much happier since I've started losing flab. but yesterday put me back down into the blue. (the blue is where my mind goes when I'm depressed. the white is when I'm at my best moods) I also posted some thinspo which I'll do again soon. and I posted about the yahoo groups I joined. they help. try it. blood and bones or pro-Ana lifestyle choice. and I recently found this amaaaaaaaazing site, it has the largest selection of diets, tips, thinspo, and pretty much anything else you need. but anyways, I hope he doesn't find anymore of my blog. I need this. it keeps me going.

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