Friday, August 13, 2010


that was close! I finally got my ex to calm done and convinced him to not send the photos. Thank God! that would've ruined me! He said he'd delete them eventually, but still. It makes me uneasy.

Anyways, I went clothing shopping today. My god was that a downer. I hate trying on jeans. It seems like everytime I go, the size is a bigger number. Hopefully I can shed down to a size one or zero in a few weeks.

oh well. :/
Hope you guys are doing better than I am.<3



alice-k said...

oh phew, im glad he didnt do anything with them! too bad you cant steal his phone and delete them before he changes his mind!

good luck and stay strong hun! you can be a size 1-zero for sure! =)

M said...

I know! I was soo scared :/ Thank god he's not THAT mean!

thanks, babydoll<3
love you!

Sarah said...

Oh, I'm so glad. He sounds like such a dickhead!

Anonymous said...

Oh my god that must be such a relief... It's awful that someone you loved and who loved you would even consider doing that: that is the nature of breakups for you though I suppose!

Jean shopping is a bitch- I have never liked it no matter what size I am!!

YOU WILL BE A SIZE ZERO...Keep up the hard work x x

Anonymous said...

Urgh what a horrible thing to have happen, try not to let him have power over you though... and girl, you're gonna be a size zero any day now!!! Stay strong! x

Dani said...

woooww ass alert im gladn he didnt send them nut hes an ass for keeping them
u wll b size 0 u just gotta but ur mind to it andnever give up

M said...

ah :) I love you all so much!
Thanks for the support and such :)<333