Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today was okay, I guess. Better than a bad day. Really boring though. And my family is coming into town tomorrow. That means lots of meals -_-
But I'll lie my way through it. And lady gaga has been my getaway lately. I also have some knew "love" interests. I feel like I have a whole new life.
OH! I also began my walls. I have almost three walls covered with thinspo in my room (:
it's the second time I've done it. the last time sucked though. it looks good now (:
And any thoughts on my new header picture? I don't really like it, so send me picture similar to it? I'm sure you know my style by now (:
Today I didn't keep track of what I ate like I said I would, but I probably wouldn't post it here anyway. I'd make a fool of myself.

In other news, I've been much more confident. Well, today :p I always have my good days, and my bad days. Good days, when I'm "in the white" I'm comfortable, confident, everything is under control. Bad days, when I'm "in the blue" I feel shitty, I'm self-conscious, and I eat. You'd think on my blue days, I'd rather stick a pin in my eye than eat. But luckily these blue days are rare. But contrary wise, They can last for weeks. So it's more like a blue week, but out of two months.
Just a day in the life, I guess.

But about this weekend..oh, and sorry if I seem all over the place. My mind is quite scattered. This weekend I am not looking forward to at all. My cousin is coming to stay. I hate her. Really, I do. She's a slut, to put it mildly. Anyways, she's coming along with my grandparents. This means we'll probably eat out. Usually olive garden, but luckily their minestrone soup is only 100 calories. As long as I steer clear of the breadsticks (160 each!), I'll be fine. Hopefully I can find things to do to fill my time and see as little of my cousin as possible. She really does make my life a living hell. Even my mother hates her.

But anyways, I'm almost completely back on track, just a few more positive days and I'll be back on my feet. And thank you guys so much for your words (: I hope to get more. Keep posting your thinspo! Love you, babydolls!

xoxo kay


alice-k said...

thats super! love the new layout and header <3 im starting my wall collage soon. ive been collecting pictures. ive been asking friends and people who mean alot to me to contribute with their favorite thinspo photos or just photos they like and id be thrilled if you sent me one! =) xxoo

reply: no :( it didnt work for me, hmmm. i have a feeling its my computer or something because i tried again. we are having LP difficulties.

Sarah said...

I'm glad you've been feeling confident! <3

Anonymous said...

take a look at my thinspo and see if anything catches your eye. your blog layout is amazing and ur inspiring. keep up the hard work little laday
<3 Katerina

M said...

thanks guys! i love you!