Saturday, August 14, 2010


Today I haven't had much. I almost binge a few times, but I took a bite and threw it away. I can't let myself go into the blue. My life hasn't been to exciting, but I'm happy. And once I'm smaller, I'll be happier. I have a new boyfriend, who I will NOT tell about this. I screwed up last time on that, I'm not doing it again. He won't think much when I don't eat around him. He works, so we don't see each other during the day, anyways.
But anyways, I don't exactly remember all that I've had today, But I haven't had a full on like meal. it's all been crackers and stuff. So today is good. My tummy is empty, I'm in a good mood, and nothing can put me down.
Hopefully this good mood will last. If it doesn't, I'm going to be right back to where I started. And no one wants that.

8 crackers
2 pickled okras (5 cals for both)
1 popsicle
and that's all I remember :p
sorry about the sucky cal. estimation but that's the jist of my day. not bad, eh?



alice-k said...

hey not bad! and congrats on the new boyfriend! ^__^

Dani said...

nope not bad at all
and yay for the boy :)