Friday, July 30, 2010

Thanks for the support, bitch.

One little comment and it can completely change my mood. My whole day can be ruined because that one little comment keeps coming back and circulating in my brain.
I may say I don't care what people think or what they say, but in reality it's all I can think about. All you stupid fat bitches can kiss my sweet ass.
Now I remember why I hate girls so much.
I'm pretty sure this blog is over.
You can stop wasting your time on my existence.



Twigs Can Fly said...

Don't make the blog be over because of her. She's not worth it.

She seems like me in many ways, family stuff I mean.

Kay, please don't end the blog? I've just come back and I want to be able to read you like always ):

M said...

It's not just one person.
I may not end the blog, but I'm taking a break.
I don't know for how long, but I need some time to get things back to the way they were.
I'm not doing so hot.

NikkiThin said...

wow, i just read your whole blog from beginning to end, and i loved it. even though you don't see your successes in yourself sometimes, your entries were very thinspiring to me, just the boost I needed after a horrible, food-filled day. i really hope you keep writing. i'd love to keep hearing from you.

stay strong, think thin, live ana

alice-k said...

ok! i am SOOO fucking sorry about that last comment!!! i litterally JUST saw it!! read my blog i just posted, it explains it and i am sooo sorry :'( it is my fault but my boyfriend found my blog and he posted that comment, not me :( im SO SORRY!!! please dont hate me!! and DEFINATELY DONT listen to that comment! i think you are a beautiful person and i love reading your blogs! i feel like, *this big* right now.......

M said...

wow, thanks for reading my whole blog, Nikki.
I don't think anyone has ever done that. I don't think I'VE done that :p

And there's no hard feelings. I guess I sort of needed a reality check.
I understand it wasn't your fault, I took it to heart and blew it out of proportion.
But I think I may still be breaking. Only getting on to check things. Read up on everyone's lives (:
I love you all.
Stay strong<3


alice-k said...

AH!!! *super big hugs!* THANKYU!!! big xxoo!! i was so worried about you!! i cried for you when i read how hurt you were :( im glad we're ok, you really are wonderful! ahh i want to travel through the computer and give you a huge hug! *hugs*

@Twigs Can Fly: ya, defo! if i was you i would have said the same exact thing! =) thanks.