Saturday, July 10, 2010

party party party. food food food.

All these birthdays are ruining my restriction. I'm expected to eat around my family. Luckily, they don't say much if I don't eat much. So I had a little pasta salad and a veggie burger. Not too bad, I guess. I'd have liked it to be less , though. I really need to get my groove back. It's like a never ending cycle of lose weight, binge, lose weight, binge. And that little tiny binge fucks everything up!
I hate you, food. I truly hate you.

And I've been so damn bored, I've gone out of my mind and filling up time by eating. UGH. I resisted cake though :) I'm very proud. Although, I never really have liked cake. Or sweets. So it's not that hard. While everyone stuffs their belly's fat, I starve mine thin.

Anyways, I'm going home next weekend and I'd like to be a lot thinner before I go home. I have about a week. I feel stupid though, because I'M the own holding myself back from being skinny. It doesn't make sense. I want it so badly, yet the only thing standing in my way, is me.
God, I'm tired of these wars in my head.
I just want to be happy...and thin :)



Anna said...

Hey girl!
Those outfits are cute right :D! I just HAD to post those pics.. love 'm..!
The give me all sorts of inspiration, i love those tiny skirts and tshirts.. kinda vintage.. soo cool
I wanna wear those! :P But cant wear it yet.. TO fat :D!

LOVE, anna

Anna said...

the = they..

:D sorry!

mad_zaq said...

i am in the same boat as you sweets. this post is my life story lol.

dont worry tho, we will prevail.

we will be thin.
stay strong luv

M said...

I'm glad there's someone going throught the same shit :p
We'll conquer our fat together and head down Skinny street :)

and, anna, I've bought lots of rhompers and things, but I need to lose weight to look good in them, so they're my thinspo ;)

love you guys!

alice-k said...

yep, i fell in the same hole as you and im trying to climb out of it no matter how muddy and gross i get! im tired of binging/purging. so far i havent binged yet today and im hoping to keep it that way! if i do, ive climed out! hope you climb out with me! =)

stay strong hun you'll get it back, i know you will!

M said...

thanks, babydoll<3
I wish you the best!
