Saturday, July 3, 2010


This is going terribly! First thing that happens when I get here, my mom takes me food shopping and she makes me get a shit load of fatass foods. I've been at my aunts house for the whole week and I've been bored out of my mind! Eating and watching movies ALL FUCKING DAY.
My mother is picking me up today. I'm alone right now, babysitting my baby cousin. I'm so happy that I'll be leaving here and going back to my grandmother's house. It'll be 10x easier restricting there.
I watched the movie "The best little girl in the world" and it was good. Not exactly thinspo material, but it was okay for the most part. It mainly showed the bads of ana. I want to read the book, so I'm saving up money to buy a bunch of books on amazon. Examples: Thin, Purge, Secong Star to the Right, and a bunch more.
Any reccomendations? :)

I was also thinking about dying my hair blonde. Well, bleaching it. I wish you knew what I looked like so I could ask your opinion. But I have light brown hair with blonde highlights (natural). And if I don't like it I can just dye it black again. I've dyed my hair like a million times and more. Red, purple, black, dark brown, pink, and now I want blonde. I was also thinking of doing the underneath black.
Buuuuut anyways, tomorrow is my restart point. I'll be good, I promise :)

OH, and I'm not prego, btw. I'm very happy to say I got my period like last week or something. It was late, but I think it's because of ana.

I love you guys!
stay strong, starve on!


alice-k said...

that sounds awesome wow!! i want my hair to be a deep purple color! =)

bet youll look amazing in blonde!

mad_zaq said...

i know exactly how you feel bout the 'mother buying food'. i cant get my mom to stop. but what she doesnt know, is i tell her to buy things i know my lil brother would gorge on before i get a chance to look at it. lol. so that saves me from indulging.

ana does help as far as pregnancies. my ex thought she might be expecting so, she went two weeks w/o food and had her period! its amazing what ana can do for us. ^,^

M said...

Yeah, I bought all foods i knew that were under 100 cals. and i only ate once a day, so it wasn't too bad, but i had to eat dinner too. so it made it twice.
(I say I ate once a day because it was on my own terms)

And it's nice to see a fresh face on the blog :)
Wish you well, Zaq!
