Sunday, October 24, 2010

cigarettes and alcohol.

I started smoking again. not the best choice, but if I'm killing my body by starving it, may as well kill it with cancer too. but it's really been helping me stop eating. I don't get cigarettes often though because I have no money, no lighter, and my mom hides her purse. but the new group of kids I've been hanging with are not the best influences. I just hope I don't start rolling with them and all the other shit they do. I drank and got drunk last night. bad. but my parents didn't know. I came home around 11 and crashed in my bed like immediately. I feel like I've been neglecting my old friends though. but they understand.
anyways, I haven't been on a scale in a very long time, but I haven't been eating really anything for the past like 5 or more days. so that's good. maybe these kids aren't bad influences after all. ha.
but I hope everyone is doing well.


teaspoon said...

Wish I could stop smoking too.
Every time I get hungry I think about having one. Usually it helps. Plus on the weekends i smoke like 284982309428 ciggs.
Harhar i'm so cool. not.

have your fun, only young once i say :)
x take care

annaxoskinnyxo said...

I smoke too. I don't even really care anymore. If it keeps the cravings away, it's a good thing ;)
Definitely don't ditch your old friends. You can keep both <3

Dani said...

just becreful dont get urself in trouble
good job on the barely eatingthough