Tuesday, March 2, 2010

it's been nothing but junk food lately. digusting. my solution? a five day fast and staying away from home. home is where all of the binge foods are. if im at home for a long period of time, I give into the temptation of the ever so taunting cookies and juice and all that.

but in other news, I've rekindled my relationship with my best friend. the past few months have been hard for us, but the bumpy road is over and were moving on. the past is the past and were closer than ever. finally.
I didn't realize how much I missed her until we started talking and joking like we used to. she brings happiness in my life. takes my mind off all other stresses and makes me focus on the now moment. which, usually I do. except when it comes to weight. I'm always anticipating the future. after my fast, how much thinner will I be?what will it take to get even thinner? questions like that run through my mind constantly. but it's all worth it in the end.

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